Presently Aware

Presently Aware

I turned fifty-seven earlier this month. I celebrated the actual day with my son, Zachary, and his family. He cooked an amazing meal, and I was able to sit and relax with them after completing the last leg of a long, solo road trip.

I’ve never really celebrated “birthday week,” but It kind of felt like that this year. My journey started a few days earlier, driving from Iowa to Nashville, following Jeff for the first half of the trip on a now well-known route.

We enjoyed delicious meals, including the simplest pasta with white truffles, oven-fired pizza, beautiful charcuterie, and flame-kissed steaks. We also indulged in surprise desserts several days in a row because my dear husband made sure to tell everyone it was my birthday. While driving, I listened to a book on tape (oooo- I almost changed that, but it kind of reflects my age, doesn’t it? Of course, I mean an audiobook- I’ve started many, but completing was a first for me).

On my first solo day, I sang Christmas carols as the sun rose while driving through Mississippi, listened to myself on the radio as the sun climbed on the way through Alabama, and reflected on a podcast interview that was recently released as I neared the end of my day in Northern Florida.

I slept in a great bed in a convenient hotel and enjoyed a good burger at their little makeshift diner. I woke early the next day, picked up my free birthday Americano from Starbucks, and headed on my way. Another podcast kept me company until the phone calls started coming in. The roads were clear, the temperature was perfect, and I cruised to my destination in no time.

Zach and his family greeted me with hugs, and I got a sweet, gummy smile from my youngest grandson! We sat outside in the warm Florida air and caught up on life until it was time to cook.

After dinner, I had a chance to settle into my comfy bed and read all of the social media posts and texts, as well as the oldest grandson's photos that had come in throughout the night. Before I drifted off to sleep, I created my Annual Blessing List.
I’ve included it here- it’s in no special order, and even though in some places it has names, and in others, it has general titles, you should know if you’re reading this, you were in my head and my heart as I wrote. I didn’t number it, because I foolishly worry about things like that. Blessings are blessings are blessings. All are good- placing a blessing over a blessing makes it a priority, not a gift.

God, Jeff, Jesus, Mom, Dad, Chris, Garry, Zach, Sam, Kat, Madi, Brooks, Henry, The Spirit, Best Friends, Siblings, Reflections of Joy, Home, Snow, Lutheran Church of Hope, Books, Music, Cello Music, Cars, Planes, Ocean, Sunrise, Sunset, Baby Snuggles, Old Friends, New Friends, Coaching, Good Health, Flowers, Autumn Leaves, Coffee, Good Jeans, Christmas Lights, Grills, Fresh Mowed Grass, Facetime, A Good Steak, Face-to-Face time, Doctors, Photos, Rain, My Owner’s Manual, Grandparents, Great Pizza, Writing, Sea Shells, Honesty, Creativity, Extended Family, Neighbors, Prayer, Sourdough

I shared my list for the first time in my book, Reflections of Joy. It was my Year 55 list, and it looks similar to this one. I think, at least as of right now, I’ve decided I’ll share it for as long as I have a platform to do so.
Why? Good question.

There are fifty-seven important-to-me things on that list, but many of them are simple. Everyday things and familiar people that I sometimes forget to celebrate. I don’t want to reach the day where I make anyone feel under-appreciated or taken for granted. I also don’t want to reach a day where I forget to enjoy the good things offered to me without effort— the warmth of the sun, the smell of rain, or the smile of a friend.

Social media has been buzzing the last week or so about a word of the year. Last year, my word was Be. The year before, it was Joy. I’ve gone back and forth between words for this year… Aware. Kairos. Surrender.
I was so sure I knew my word I offered the word “surrender” to a friend who asked. I’ve spent all of my life trying to be in charge, and I feel like it’s time to let go of the reins a bit. Surrender seemed like the perfect focus for 2025.

But as I reflected on 2024 and listed my blessings, a new word surfaced… present. I recognize my blessings. I’ve followed His call. I’ll work on my patience. As I wrote my list, it occurred to me how many things I value that I don’t take time to appreciate. “Present” will remind me to be where my feet are— to enjoy the people, experiences, tastes, and sounds of each moment. I like it.

What’s your word?

Be happy.

❤️ Kim

Look Closer

Look Closer

Work. Play. Work again.

Work. Play. Work again.